Curating a polished mix of Americana and Colorado bluegrass, Trout Steak Revival has earned a place in the Western states’ music scene, performing to sold-out audiences, winning the Telluride Bluegrass Festival Band Competition, and even winning an Emmy Award for a soundtrack with Rocky Mountain PBS. Their most recent album, Brighter Every Day, was released in March 2015. Produced by Chris Pandolfi of the Infamous Stringdusters, the album has received radio play and acclaim from fans and media worldwide. With their soulful narratives, heartfelt songwriting, tightly-woven instrumentation, and harmonies rooted in the band’s years of friendship, Trout Steak Revival pushes the envelope on a progressing genre while drawing creatively from the many canons of American roots music.
Jack Klatt is a songwriter and finger-style guitarist based in Minneapolis. A tried and true purveyor of American music traditions, his unique sound rides the fine line between blues and country music. He’s won recognition from the MN state arts board, recorded alongside “Spider” John Koerner, and made it onto Daytrotter’s list of best songs in 2014. His 2016 release “Shadows in the Sunset” has been praised as “an eminently satisfying, slow rolling, Country/Blues album that can best be described as – Authentic.” (Turnstyled Junkpiled, 8/24/16)
Tickets: $22